Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama The Post Turtle

You may have read the one about Barack Obama as a post turtle recently on one of the political blogs. If not the tale goes something like this:

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old Texas rancher whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our President.

The old rancher said, “Well, ya know, Obama is a “post turtle.”

Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a “post turtle” was.

The old rancher said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a “post turtle”.

The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain. “You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there.”

This tale has been used for years to describe politicians in the U.S. and Canada including President George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and others. However, it is equally appropriate to describe the rapid ascent of and also to provide the definitive case against Barack Obama as President of the United States.

You Know He Did Not Get Up There By Himself

In Obama's case, that is exactly the case. Obama attended Columbia University, by all accounts a left-leaning Ivy League institution full of anti-establishment liberal professors, and had plenty of help. Admittedly, Obama was a student of limited means. He was raised by a single mother living part-time with his grandparents. So just how did a bi-racial kid from a single parent family get into the prestigious Columbia University?

According to sources, Obama received student loans to attend Columbia where he laid the foundation for his future associations. In his autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," Obama said his "affinity" for Marxists began when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles:

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully," the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists." Obama also described this time period as one where he sought out the radical professors and began his belief in redistributive policy in government.

After graduation from Columbia, Obama moved to Chicago and began work as a Community Organizer in poor, African-American neighborhoods. After four years in Chicago, he went to Harvard Law School. How did he get into another prestigious Ivy League school? According to sources, Obama received a letter of reference from former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton. Mr. Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School.

In the interview, Sutton says he first heard of Obama about twenty years ago from Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party at the time the party was founded in the early 1960s. Sutton described al-Mansour as advisor to “one of the world’s richest men,” Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
Prince Alwaleed catapulted to fame in the United States after the September 11 attacks, when New York mayor Rudy Guiliani refused his $10 million check to help rebuild Manhattan, because the Saudi prince hinted publicly that America's pro-Israel policies were to blame for the attacks.

A videotaped recently aired by Fox News shows Mr. Al-Mansour spewing anti-white venom and saying "white people deserved the worst you could give them."

From Harvard, Obama moved back to Chicago and went to work as an attorney in the same law firm whose namesake partner was chief counsel for Mayor Harold Washington, Chicago's first African-American mayor. This is the same law firm where Obama worked for ACORN, the controversial community organizing outfit that has recently been linked with accusations of voter fraud. While in Chicago Obama sought out the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers to jumpstart his political career from his living room. He interviewed prospective pastors and eventually chose the Reverend Jeremiah Wright an activist African-American with a world view espousing the anti-American rhetoric of Black Liberation Theology. And he chose the recently convicted slumlord Tony Rezko to raise money, help buy the lot next to his house on the very same day his home closed at below market price and receive political guidance. Oh and don't forget Rashid Khalidi who has made news again recently based upon Obama's presence at a dinner with Khalidi that appeared in April in the The Los Angeles Times. Khalidi is a pro-Palestinian rights supporter and former professor at the University of Chicago and currently Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University. He is a former spokeman for the PLO with anti-Israel leanings.

It was in Chicago that Obama cultivated his relationships with these leftist-leaning political allies who welcomed him into the Chicago political machine, gave him financial support as a fledgling political candidate and groomed him as their next political messiah.

He Doesn't Belong Up There

In Obama's case, it could not be more true. He has barely served four years in the U.S. Senate. Prior to that, Obama served as an Illinois State Senator and ran unsuccessfully as a U.S. Representative.

He has little experience in the Senate other than working on one bi-partisan bill with Republican Richard Lugar to eradicate post-Cold War nuclear weapons caches. Hardly a controversial issue. In fact, Obama has not one time stood against his own party or ever chaired a committee.

He has a socialist philosophy, learned at Columbia and honed at Harvard, to "spread the wealth around" as he told Joe the Plumber in his Ohio driveway. He wants to raise taxes on all Americans who earn over $150,000 a year and give "tax refunds" to millions of Americans who currently pay no taxes.

He wants to raise the capital gains tax and penalize American entrepreneurship.

He has no foreign policy experience and even his running mate Joe Biden recently warned supporters at a fundraiser that "mark my words" the U.S. will be tested by a manufactured international crisis to test President Obama.

He wants to increase the size of government and provide mandatory health care to all Americans. He has proposed almost $1 billion in additional spending as part of his overall plan.

He recently admitted the one Supreme Court Justice appointment he opposed was that of Clarence Thomas, the lone African-American justice, who just happens to be a pro-life conservative.

And, he opposed the surge in Iraq which he voted against and was a strong proponent of a premature withdrawal of our troops that if approved would have raised the white flag of surrender.

He Doesn't Know What to Do While He is Up There

Senator Obama gives a good speech. He is charismatic, well-educated and smart. And, he has run a well-organized and strategic campaign. However, a good candidate does not make a good President.

Senator Obama is a relatively political unknown. He has few if any close allies in the Senate. In fact, he has spent half of his time in the Senate running for President.

So we really have no idea what a President Obama will do once in the Oval Office based upon his past record. In fact, former Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota recently claimed in a PBS documentary that he strongly urged Senator Obama to run for the Presidency because he had no record that opponents could use against him!

And, further illustrating the lack of information available on Barack Obama, Peter Nicholas of the pro-Obama Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that, "Both impressions came from a distance. A cordon of aides ensures nothing more intimate is available to the traveling press."

Although we do not know what a President Obama will do as President based upon his Senate record, we do know who he has chosen to associate with during his past political experiences. Men like the terrorist William Ayers, the anti-American spewing Reverend Jeremiah Wright, convicted slumlord Tony Rezko and the Pro-Palestinian supporter Rashid Khalidi.

Yes, men like Colin Powell have recently endorsed Barack Obama. However, coming as late in the campaign as it did, the endorsement rang hollow and was more politically expedient and cleansing for Powell than helpful to Obama.

You Just Wonder What Kind of Dumb Ass Put Him Up There

This one is easy. The American voter will be responsible for this one if they vote for Barack Obama next Tuesday.

The choice has never been clearer. John McCain is the only candidate who has fought for his country and has a stellar 25 year career serving the U.S. through some of the most tumultuous times in our history. He is an authentic man who has proven experience as a straight-talker who will fight for America and is ready to lead on day one.

John McCain is the right choice for America for Peace, Prosperity and Reform.

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